8 publications

PDF copies of the articles, chapters, and reports listed below may be downloaded by clicking on my linked name within the citation (* indicates student/trainee co-authors).

Gone, J. P. (2012). Indigenous traditional knowledge and substance abuse treatment outcomes: The problem of efficacy evaluation. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 38(5), 493-497.

*Wendt, D. C., & Gone, J. P. (2012). Urban-indigenous therapeutic landscapes: A case study of an urban American Indian health organization. Health & Place, 18(5), 1025-1033.

*Wendt, D. C., & Gone, J. P. (2012). Decolonizing psychological inquiry in Native American communities: The promise of qualitative methods. In D. K. Nagata, L. Kohn-Wood, & L. A. Suzuki (Eds.), Qualitative strategies for ethnocultural research (pp. 161-178). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Wexler, L., & Gone, J. P. (2012). Culturally-responsive suicide prevention in indigenous communities: Unexamined assumptions and new possibilities. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5), 800-806.

*Wendt, D. C., & Gone, J. P. (2012). Rethinking cultural competence: Insights from indigenous community treatment settings. Transcultural Psychiatry, 49(2), 206-222.

Gone, J. P., & Trimble, J. E. (2012). American Indian and Alaska Native mental health: Diverse perspectives on enduring disparities. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 8, 131-160.

*Alcántara, C., Abelson, J. L., & Gone, J. P. (2012). Beyond anxious predisposition: Do Padecer de Nervios and Ataque de Nervios add incremental validity to predictions of current distress among Mexican immigrant mothers? Depression & Anxiety, 29(1), 23-31.

*Hartmann, W. E., & Gone, J. P. (2012). Incorporating traditional healing into an Urban American Indian Health Organization: A case study of community member perspectives. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59(4), 542-554.