3 publications

PDF copies of the articles, chapters, and reports listed below may be downloaded by clicking on my linked name within the citation (* indicates student/trainee co-authors).

Gone, J. P. (2009). A community-based treatment for Native American historical trauma: Prospects for evidence-based practice. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77(4), 751-762.

Gone, J. P. (2009). Encountering professional psychology: Re-envisioning mental health services for Native North America. In L. J. Kirmayer & G. G. Valaskakis (Eds.), Healing traditions: The mental health of Aboriginal peoples in Canada (pp. 419-439). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Anderson, J. D., & Gone, J. P. (2009). Native American religious traditions. In R. A. Shweder, T. R. Biddell, A. C. Dailey, S. D. Dixon, P. J. Miller, & J. Modell (Eds.), The child: An encyclopedic companion (pp. 670-672). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.